Emotional Intelligence

Develop Your  Team’s Emotional Intelligence Capabilities today!! More important than IQ in the Future of Work – The World Economic Forum With our Emotional Intelligence workshop you will gain a better understanding of self-management and self-awareness. This in turn will give you better insight Read more


e she stumbles upon the inspiring management secrets of The Pike Place Fish Market. This effective little tale introduces readers to "Fish!" - the authors’ prescription for boosting employee morale and productivity. The fish-tossing, joke-cracking camaraderie of the market serves as the workplace ideal in this book, which is easy to read but carries a lasting punch WE recommendmthis book to executives, change agents, managers, staff members, and students. Whether you are trapped in a bad working environment or trying to improve a mediocre one, this book will inspire you to get up and change your surroundings. Fish! will be one of the most influential books you read all year.

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Why EQ is the new IQ?

Why EQ is the new IQ Develop your emotional intelligence at work! Get through difficult workplace conversations by building your emotional intelligence. The original definition of emotional intelligence, coined by Peter Salovey and John Mayer is: Emotional intelligence (EI) refers...

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Why Mindset Matters

Could what you believe about yourself impact your success or failure? According to Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, your beliefs play a pivotal role in what you want and whether you achieve it.1 Dweck has found that it is your mindset...

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Create Positive Change

Change!!!  The Ultimate Test of a Leader! The ability to create positive change is the true test of leadership. Being able to turn around an entire organisation or large department takes even greater leadership skill. To be able to encourage Read more

18 Things Mentally Strong People Do

I usually spend my time talking about the bad habits that rob you of mental strength. After all, it only takes one bad habit to hold you back from reaching your greatest potential. But in addition to giving up those bad habits, it's also important to perform exercises that strengthen your mental muscle, because with hard work and dedication, you can train your brain to perform at its peak.

This content is for XLR8 Leadership Coach Track, Leadership Insiders (Access to Articles only), and Activate Your Leadership members only.
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